Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE The Splendour of the Baroque: Magnificence in Art and Architecture from the 16th to the 18th Century

UM LEVEL I - Introductory Level



DEPARTMENT Centre for the Liberal Arts and Sciences

DESCRIPTION This Unit is based on a chronological exposition of the principal artistic, architectural and military engineering achievements of the Maltese Islands in the baroque period. This shall be explained in its proper baroque historical and cultural context. Thus, illustrated lectures and site visits shall cover the baroque period of years of an extraordinary artistic creativity, an affluent building activity encouraged by the Knights of St. John and the diversity and significance of Baroque military architecture in Hospitaller Malta.

Main lecture themes shall include:

(a) The diversity of baroque works of art.
(b) The development of Maltese baroque architecture in reference to the various foreign military engineers and architects present on the island.
(c) The different European influences on the local idiom of baroque architecture.
(d) The Baroque fortress as the apogee of military architecture in the age of gunpowder.
(e) The Hospitaller process of fortification of the Maltese Islands
(f) Splendour and magnificence inside churches and palaces

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the Unit the student will be able to demonstrate a holistic knowledge of the various issues concerning the baroque architecture, art, and military fortifications in the Maltese islands between the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries. The acquired knowledge should make the student aware of the better need to understand and appreciate the baroque period in Maltese art, Maltese architecture and fortifications. This would eventually lead the student to promote the appreciation and safeguarding of such a rich legacy of baroque buildings and artefacts related to the timeline of historic events which occurred during the rule of the Order of St. John in the Maltese islands.

2. Skills:

By the end of the Unit the student will be able to participate in the workings of both National and International organizations that require the input of an overall non-specialist knowledge of the artistic, architectural and military engineering history of the Maltese Islands. Students will acquire sufficient knowledge to participate in discussions and projects concerned with the promotion and appreciation of Maltese baroque heritage.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts

- G. Bonello, P. Caruana Dingli, D. De Lucca, D. Cilia, Encounters with Valletta: A Baroque City through the Ages. University of Malta, International Institute for Baroque Studies, 2018.
- De Lucca, Denis. Mdina: A History of its Urban Space and Architecture. Malta, Said International Ltd., 1995.
- D. De Lucca, The Baroque Mind. University of Malta, International Institute for Baroque Studies, 2018
- Spiteri, Stephen C. Fortresses of the Knights. Malta. BDL Ltd, 2001.
- Hoppen, Alison. The Fortification of Malta by the Order of St. John 1530-1798. 1st ed. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh, 1979; 2nd ed. Mireva, Malta, 1999.

Supplementary Readings

- De Lucca, Denis. Mondion: The achievement of a French military engineer working in Malta in the early eighteenth century. Malta, Midsea Books Ltd, 2004.
- De Lucca, Denis, Carapecchia: Master of Baroque Architecture in early eighteenth century Malta. Malta, Midsea Books Ltd., 1999.
- De Piro, Nicholas. The Sovereign Palaces of Malta. Miranda Books, Malta, 2001.
- Guido, Sante et al. Mattia Preti (1613-1699): the masterpieces in the churches of Malta. Miranda Books, Malta, 2012.
- Hughes, J. Quentin, Military Architecture. Beaufort. 1991.
- Hughes, J. Quentin. Fortress: Architecture and Military History in Malta. Malta. Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malta, 2001 (re-print).
- Mahoney, Leonard. 5000 Years of Architecture in Malta. Malta, Valletta Pub. Ltd., 1996.
- Montagu, Jennifer. The Apostolato of the Order of St. John at the Cathedral of Malta: Antonio Arrighi’s fifteen silver statues, Mdina, 2018.
- Scicluna, Hannibal. The Church of St. John in Valletta, Rome, 1955.
- Spiteri, Stephen C. The Art of Fortress Building in Hospitaller Malta. Malta, BDL Publishing Ltd., 2008.
- Spiteri, Stephen C., Armoury of the Knights. Malta. Midsea Books, 2003.
- Spiteri, Stephen C., Fort Manoel, in ARX, Occasional Papers, 4, 2014.
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STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Fieldwork

Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Claude Busuttil
Stephen Spiteri
Theresa Vella


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.